With two exciting Google Cultural Institute exhibits, you and those around you can attend historical exhibits from your own home. Read below for more information on each of these exciting online opportunities.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial: A Story Behind the Memorial
In this online exhibit, go on a tour of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, looking at photos, documents and more primary sources that tell the history of one of our country’s incredible memorials.
This curriculum is designed for students in grades 8 – 12, but it is also a thought-provoking lesson for anyone with a love for U.S. History. As you and your students walk through this online exhibit, consider the following questions:
- Which Presidents were involved in the creation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?
- What were some of the reasons behind the memorial?
- How did they raise the money for the memorial?
- Who won the Vietnam Veterans Memorial design competition?
- Why were some people opposed to the building of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?
- What were some of the compromises and changes made to the memorial’s design?
- Did anyone in your family serve in the Vietnam war? If their name is on the wall, how would you find it?
To see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: A Story Behind the Memorial online exhibit, click here.

Sandra Day O’Connor: Behind the Scenes of Confirming the First Woman to the United States Supreme Court
Learn all about Sandra Day O’Connor’s inspirational story about becoming the first female Supreme Court judge.
Filled with documents and photos, this online exhibit walks students grades 8 – 12 through the process of becoming a Supreme Court judge and encourages them to learn more about Judge O’Connor. As your students go through this exhibit, talk through the follow questions:
- Is the process of picking a new Supreme Court judge easy or difficult? What are some of the steps?
- What is the pledge President Reagan made during his campaign in regard to the Supreme Court?
- What former President wrote a letter also advocating for a female Supreme Court judge?
- What other prominent public figures wrote letters to President Reagan encouraging the nomination of a female Supreme Court judge?
- After the Reagan administration chose Judge O’Connor, what was the next step in the selection process?
- What were the main objections to Judge O’Connor’s nomination?
- What did the American Bar Association’s report say about Judge O’Connor?
- When was Judge O’Connor sworn into the Supreme Court? How long did she serve?
- Would you be interested in becoming a judge (for your city, state, or even the Supreme Court!)? What are some important parts of the job (ex: should you let your personal opinions bias your decisions)?
To see the Sandra Day O’Connor: Behind the Scenes online exhibit, click here.