Thousand Oaks High School in SRE

...your classroom could like this? Well, here at the Reagan Library, it can.  What you see pictured here is a test group for a brand new "Situation Room Experience" set to open at the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush Presidential Libraries in September, 2016. Attending students will take on the roles of members of … Continue reading Thousand Oaks High School in SRE

President Reagan’s Memorial Day Remarks

It is customary for American Presidents to provide remarks on Memorial Day. Watch the videos below showing three speeches and one radio address and answer the following questions: Count how many times President Reagan refers to President Lincoln in his addresses. Why do you think he references President Lincoln on Memorial Day? President Reagan made … Continue reading President Reagan’s Memorial Day Remarks

iCivics: Learning in any place at any time

iCivics in the Classroom and at Home iCivics (formerly Our Courts) is a supplemental resource for educators designed to augment existing classroom curriculum for elementary through high school students.In order to align with the core standards in each state, iCivics is curated by themes such as the Foundations of Government, Politics and Public Policy, and International … Continue reading iCivics: Learning in any place at any time

Situation Room Experience Open Houses

The news flashes across the screen: THE NATION IS IN CRISIS!  The tension in the room is palpable as the Secretary of State, the President’s Chief of Staff, the Secretary of Defense, and a collection of nervous aides and officials turn their gaze to you.  It’s decision time and the fate of the nation, perhaps … Continue reading Situation Room Experience Open Houses

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Film This! Student Summer Program

Educators, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, coaches- if you know of any high school students in Southern California that need fun ways to stay active this summer, send them to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley!  Every year we host two separate one-week Film This! workshops which give students the opportunity to create and edit a … Continue reading Film This! Student Summer Program

Free Workshops for Educators This Summer

We all know that teachers do not truly take the summer off.  Between preparing curricula, lesson plans, syllabi, and classrooms we know you stay busy.  However, the Reagan Library hopes you can squeeze in a day or two to come visit us in Simi Valley, California for some free workshops we have over the summer.  … Continue reading Free Workshops for Educators This Summer

California Protests in the 1960s

In the late 1960s protest movements swept the Western World, and perhaps no year saw more upheaval than 1968.  In Paris student demonstrators attempted, but eventually failed, to find common cause with striking workers.  The Prague Spring movement in Czechoslovakia, led by Alexander Dub?ek, was a period of political reform before it was brutally repressed … Continue reading California Protests in the 1960s

This Day In History – May 5, 1985

President Reagan's Address at Bitburg In May of 1985 in the first months of his second term President Reagan visited West Germany to take part in the G-7 Economic Summit.  Because the visit occurred just before the 40th anniversary of “V-E Day” President Reagan and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl scheduled several events to mark … Continue reading This Day In History – May 5, 1985

Soviet Emigration DBQs

In the 1980s, issues of human rights abuses in the Soviet Union continued to raise concerns among westerners.  Most Soviets were locked behind the "iron curtain" with very few options or opportunities to emigrate.  At the same time, relations between U.S. and Soviet leaders stalled. When it was announced that President Reagan and the new … Continue reading Soviet Emigration DBQs