For the month of April, the Reagan Library Education Blog is proud to announce our new blog series, “White House Kids”.
Being the President of the United States is by no means an easy feat; managing an entire nation AND making time for your kids? Certainly no walk in the park! Children living in the White House have constantly been in the spotlight since 1789 when President Washington delivered his inaugural address on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York. The public has historically been fascinated with Presidential children, desiring to know everything about them. They have been used as pawns, as entertainment, while also serving as highly effective agents within their father’s administrations. But who are they really, and what was growing up in the White House truly like?
Be sure to check back to the Reagan Library Education Blog each Monday and Friday in April to learn more about these fascinating White House Kids!
Written by Katie Costanzo, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum.