New Virtual Sim!

Dear Educators,

Congratulations on making it to the end of a very momentous and challenging school year!

We so greatly appreciate the work you do each and every day for students.

We have some wonderful news to share. Since the stay-at-home orders went into effect, we worked with our partners at iThrive Games Foundation to create a virtual simulation for use during these difficult times and beyond.

Our very first Situation Room Experience-style simulation is focused on the constitutional issue of federalism. The backdrop for this simulation is a pandemic.

We are planning a soft launch to take place between May 28th and June 10, 2020. Additionally, we will be continuing to run the program throughout the summer.

How Can I Participate?

If you would like to sign your students up in groups of six to participate either now or during the summer, just write us at and let us know. We will be filling up available time slots on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Who Is This For?

Students in grades 11, 12 and beyond will enjoy this simulation and bring a level of maturity and prior knowledge that is required to participate.

Participating students can be enrolled in any educational, summer enrichment, summer school, after school, club or other organized educational, enrichment or recreational program during this school year and/or during this upcoming summer.

How Many Students Can Participate?

Because this simulation is designed for a virtual environment, each session is limited to six students. However, breakout rooms, and other synchronous options will be available for full launch later next school year.

What Materials Do I Need?

You will need access to a computer and internet.

What Materials Do My Students Need?

Your students will need access to a computer and internet.

How Do I sign up?

Please email us at to enroll or with additional requests for information.

Thank you again for your continuing interest in The Situation Room Experience. Please feel free to share this information with others who you think may be interested and working with young people this summer

The Situation Room Experience Team

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